We know we can print our result on the screen using cout statement. It is fine if we are only interested in the result. But at times we may need to print our output in a certain way. This task can be fulfilled by using I/O manipulators like setw(), setprecision(), etc.


Formatting Output :


Formatting output is important in the development of output screens, which can be easily read and understood. C++ offers several input/output manipulators. Two of these I/O manipulators are setw() and setprecision(). In order to use these manipulators, you must include header file iomanip, i.e. your program should also have following #include directive along with other #include directives :


note : if you are using Turbo C, you need to use #include<iomanip.h>


setw() manipulator :


The setw() manipulator sets the width of the field assigned for output. It basically right justifies the output. It takes the size of the field (in number of characters) as a parameter. For example, the code :


generates the following output (each underscore is for a space)

Output : _ _ _ _ _ R

setw() manipulator is non-sticky statement. This means that a setw() manipulator is applicable only to its immediately following statement. So, if you want to right justify three numbers in separate lines, you need to repeat setw() manipulators for each line. For example,




Output:  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6

                _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 6

                _ _ _ _ _ 6 6 6



cout<<setw(6)<<6<< “R\n”;


cout<<setw(6)<< “R”;

Output :   _ _ _ _ _ 6 R

                   _ _ _ _ _ 6 _ _ _ _ _ R

note : In all the above outputs, underscore (_) means a blank space.


setprecision() manipulator :


The setprecission() manipulator sets the total number of digits to be displayed when floating point numbers are printed. For example,

cout<< setprecision(5)<<123.456;

Output : 123.46

(note: See it displays 5 digits and rounds off the floating point number)  

setprecission() manipulator can also be used to set the number of digits after decimal by using an ios flag. An ios flag can be set using setf() as :


Once the flag has been set, the number we pass as argument in setprecision() is the number of decimal places we want to display. For example,



Output : 123.456

(See it displays 5 digits after decimal without rounding off).

Also, setprecision() is a sticky manipulator, i.e. whatever precision we set once, sticks with cout until we change it with another setprecision() later in the program.


Additional ios flags :


General syntax:


where flag is any one of the following :

left              : left justify the output

right           : right justify the output

showpoint : display decimal points and trailing zeroes for floating


uppercase : display the “e” in E-notation as “E”

showpos    : display a leading plus sign before positive numbers

scientific   : display floating point numbers in scientific (“E”) notation

fixed          : display floating point numbers in normal notation-no trailing

                     zeroes and no scientific notation.          


Few examples :


If you want to represent 6.8 as 6.80



Output :     6.80


If you want to represent 60 as +60



Output : +60


Any flag set using setf() can be removed using unsetf(). For example,







Output :   +60







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