A call to an overloaded function is resolved to a particular instance of the function through a process called argument matching. Argument matching involves comparing the actual arguments of the call with the formal arguments of each declared instance of the function.

There are three possible cases, a function call may result in :

A match : A match is found for the function call.

No match : No match is found for the function call.

Ambiguous Match : More than one defined instance match for a function call.


The compiler tries to find the best possible match for the function call.


Search for an Exact Match

If the types and number of the actual arguments exactly match the types and number of formal arguments, the compiler invokes that particular instance. For example,

Output Screen :

Function 1 called

Reason : The actual argument (here 0) is int type.


A Match through Promotion

If no exact match is found, an attempt is made to achieve a match through type promotion of the actual argument.

Integral Promotion : Conversion of integer types (char, short, enumerator) into int (if all values of type can be represented by int) or unsigned int (if all values can’t be represented by int) is called integral promotion.

So, if there is any overloaded function with int formal type, all smaller integer type (char, short, enumerator) are converted to int if a perfect match is not found. (Note: In function overloading, the conversion of smaller integer datatypes to int is favoured over their conversions to some larger types like long int or long long int.)

For example,

Output Screen :

Function 1 called

Reason : ‘a’ is of type char and thus promoted to type int after no exact match is found thereby matching f(int)


A match through conversions following Standard Conversion Rules of C++

As C++ puts it, it’s possible to convert any datatype to the other if we are fine with loss of information in some cases. Following this rule, the actual argument of any type can be converted to any other type to match the formal arguments. Here the program may show warnings regarding loss of information, but it will not be counted as an error. This last step is used when the matching through the first two steps has failed.

The following program makes the point clearer.

Let us try to understand the steps taken by the compiler one by one.

Step 1. When the compiler executes the statement f(‘a’); it first tries to find a function named f() that has a character type formal argument. As no such function exists, the compiler takes the next step.

Step 2. As char is a smaller type than int, compiler tries to find any function named f() with int formal type so that it may match the function using integral promotion. It fails again and takes the next step.

Step 3. It then goes for a standard conversion from char to short (in this case) and thus calls the function.


But, there is an associated problem with this type conversion. As any type can be converted to any other type, there is a possibility of multiple matches. If the compiler encounters such a condition where the actual argument type can be changed to match the formal types of more than one function, it is flagged as an error.

Look at the following program.

Output Screen :

[error] call of overloaded f(char) is ambiguous

[note] candidates are

[note] void f(double)

[note] void f(short int)

The compiler goes to step 3 as before. But while converting char, it finds two possible matches. It can convert char to double and also to short int. This results in an error as shown in the output.


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