What are break and continue statements in C++?

The break and continue statements, along with goto statement, are termed as the jump statements in C and C++. These are called so because they enable us to jump the control (i.e. move the control) from one point in the program to some other point. Where goto statement can be used to move control anywhere within a function, break and continue are generally used to modify controls for a loop or switch case.



A break statement is very often used in C or C++ program to directly come out of any loop (for, while or do-while) and switch case. Most of the times break is used with if-else so that the control moves out of a loop under certain conditions. Reading below will make the concept clearer.


Syntax :     break;

How break works?

The basic rule is that whenever a break statement is encountered, be it inside a loop or switch case, the control immediately comes out of that block (loop or switch case). Often break is used with if-else inside a loop or switch to come out of that loop or switch under the conditions specified in if

The break statement takes control out of the innermost loop in which it is present. So, if there is a nested loop (loop within loop), break will take control out of the loop in which it is present.

Look at the following representations to understand the concept better :


break statement in C++

break statement in C++

A demo program in C++ to show working of break statement :

// Program to calculate sum of

// maximum 5 integers.

// If negative integer is entered,

// loop terminates.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


    int n, i, sum = 0;

    for( i = 1; i <= 5; i++)


        cout<< “Enter a number : ”;


        if (n >= 0)

            sum = sum + n;




    cout<< “Sum is ”<< sum;

    cout<< “Value of i is ”<< i;

    return 0;


 Output Screen : 

Enter a number : 12

Enter a number : 42

Enter a number : -6

Sum is 54

Value of i is 3

Explanation : In the loop, every time the user is asked to enter a number. The number entered by the user is stored in n. If the number is non-negative, it is added to the variable sum and this added value becomes new value of sum. But as soon as the user enters a negative number, control encounters a break statement and immediately comes out of the loop. This is evident from the fact that value of i after the termination of loop is 3 and not 5.




The continue statement in C or C++ is used in loops to ignore a set of statements. Whenever a continue statement is encountered, the control moves directly to the condition part in while or do-while and to the update part in for loop.

Syntax : continue;

How continue works?

The rule is simple. If continue is encountered anywhere in a for loop, control passes directly to the update part. If continue is encountered in a while or do-while loop, control passes directly to the condition part. The general working can be understood better from the following diagram.


continue statement in C++

Note that if the update part of while or do-while loop appear after the continue statement, it is never actually executed. This results in the condition always being true and loop is repeated infinite times. In short, the program crashes. So, to remove this problem,  it is always advised to use continue with for loop, or update the loop variable in while or do-while before the continue statement.

A demo program in C++ to show working of continue statement : 

// Program to calculate sum of

// maximum 5 integers.

// If negative integer is entered,

// it is ignored.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


    int n, sum = 0;

    for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)


        cout<< “Enter a number : ”;


        if (n < 0)


        sum = sum + n;


    cout<< “Sum is ”<< sum;

    return 0;


 Output screen :

Enter a number : 12

Enter a number : 42

Enter a number : -6

Enter a number : 50

Enter a number : -32

Sum is 104


Explanation : In the loop, every time the user is asked to enter a number. The number entered by the user is stored in n. If the number entered is non-negative, the if statement is not executed and control executes the statement sum= sum+n. This statement adds the value of n to sum and the resulting value is stored in sum. But if the number entered by the user is negative (i.e. less than zero), continue statement is executed. This passes the control directly to the update part i++. Thus, negative numbers are not added into sum.



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